Thursday, September 03, 2020

The media chose to bury facts!

Here is a brief summary from a long post by Ace of Spades on the Kyle Rittenhouse case and the three felons Rittenhouse shot.
Citizen Journalists Do the Job that "Professional Journalists" Won't Do, and FOIA the Police Record of Joseph Rosenbaum
Rosenbaum was the antifa scumbag that chased, threw an object at, and grabbed the gun from Kyle Rittenouse, before being rightly shot in self-defense.

You may have heard he was a child molester.

That's not true.

He wasn't a child molester. He molested five children, aged 9 to 11.

As this post points out, the media could have easily discovered these facts and reported these facts.

They chose instead to bury these facts.
Read much more here.

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