Thursday, September 03, 2020

He looks like the Prime Minister of Britain!

The satirical Babylon Bee reports,
Trump Announces He Will Forgo Salons And Cut His Own Hair Like An Ordinary American
September 3rd, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Nancy Pelosi caused a bit of a stir this week when footage was released of her not wearing a mask getting her hair cut in a salon, an obvious setup that she was forced to take part in at gunpoint.

The president, a genius strategist and master politician, saw an opportunity. He quickly called a press conference and declared that he would continue cutting his own hair like an ordinary Amercan.

"Nancy may think she's too good to cut her hair, but not me. I'm a regular American, just like you," Trump announced solemnly before producing a pair of scissors, placing a bowl on his head, and giving himself a haircut.

"Until regular Americans can get their hair cut at the salon, I will cut my hair myself in solidarity."

Trump remarked that the haircut was "beautiful" and "maybe the best one I've ever gotten" afterward.

At publishing time, Trump had ordered a Flowbee on Amazon.

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