Monday, January 13, 2020

Who should lead the effort to reform the FBI?

In American Greatness, Julie Kelly writes,
The nation’s most powerful law enforcement agency is in shambles. Following a series of internal investigations, in addition to extensive reporting on the misconduct of former top officials, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is suffering a crisis in confidence from the very people it has a sworn duty to protect: the American public.

Considering its behavior over the past four years, one could be forgiven for thinking that the FBI exists only to serve the interests of the political aristocracy. From the Clinton email server cover-up to the unfounded counterintelligence probe into four Americans working for the Trump presidential campaign and the corruption of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, the FBI has exploited its power to defend partisan allies and punish foes.

Texts revealed contempt for voters who make up roughly half the country. Rather than working to keep the country safe, the top tier of the FBI spent most of its time massaging their press contacts, accompanying reporters to baseball games and golf outings (in clear violation of company policy), and illegally leaking sensitive information then lying about it all when caught. The FBI’s former chief, James Comey, stole his own classified memos from the agency and hid them at home before he was busted.

Comey and his immediate underlings routinely vent their hatred of the elected president of the United States in a manner unprecedented in history. Their top-selling books and Twitter feeds are filled with self-righteous hubris; despite their culpability in torching the credibility of the agency America has been taught to trust, they instead play the victim.

...Wray strenuously objected to the release of the February 2018 memo prepared by then-House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, which detailed how Comey’s FBI used the bogus Steele dossier as evidence in its application to the court and then withheld disclosing Steele’s Democratic funders.

...Wray refused to fire the disgraced Andrew McCabe—the acting FBI chief who served in between Comey and Wray—despite mounting evidence of McCabe’s misconduct. (Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired McCabe just hours before he could retire with full benefits.) Wray also has stonewalled requests for communications from McCabe.
Read more here.

I was very disappointed in the ending of this report. Julie wrote, McCord is now counsel for the Democrats’ impeachment legal team. McCord? I presume she meant McCabe, but I cannot find confirmation by a Google search, and American Greatness has not corrected the mistake. I was also not able to access Comments. Frustrating!

Sundance tells us who McCord is!

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