Friday, January 10, 2020

Two sad sellouts?

JJ Sefton writes in part in his Morning Report,
Most disappointing of all are the words coming from people who I once had much respect for: Ann Coulter and most shockingly Tucker Carlson. For them to claim that what Trump did in taking out Soleimani is an escalation and war-mongering running counter to his claims of wanting to get out of the Middle East just boggles the mind. If anything, the President both de-escalated the situation while at the same time might very well have set in motion the final collapse of the Iranian regime, the source of much of our misery lo these past 40 years in that region and across the globe, including right here on our own soil. If that does happen, as I think it could before this year is out, he would have done so without starting a war and without sending one single soldier to die on Persian soil. That these two, especially Carlson, cannot see this just boggles the mind.

Two sad sellouts. Oh well...
Read more here.

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