Monday, January 06, 2020

"The noose doesn't match the wound."

Paul Goldberg reports in,
Dr. Michael Baden in a stunning 60 Minutes episode where photos from Jeffrey Epstein’s cell were first released found fresh reasons to doubt the official story.

And he brought receipts. According to Baden what troubles him are the unusual fractures in Epstein’s neck and the fact that the wound doesn’t match the noose.

Dr. Baden: I have never seen 3 fractures like this in a suicidal hanging….Going over 1,000 jail hangings, suicides in the New York City state prisons over the past 40-50 years, no one had 3 fractures.

“The forensic evidence released so far, including autopsy, point much more to murder and strangulation than the suicide and suicidal hanging.”

“This noose doesn’t match the ligature furrow mark. It’s wider than this….Most hangings—especially free hangings—the ligature slides up to beneath the jawbone. Here it’s in the middle of the neck.”

From CBS: 60 Minutes reviewed hundreds of graphic photographs from Epstein’s autopsy and inside his cell. There are multiple nooses, a bit of orange sheet tied to the grate of a window. On the top bunk, bottles and medicines stand upright. Below it, another piece of fabric is tied through a hole on the bed about four feet from the ground.

Did Epstein, who was nearly 6 feet tall and 185 pounds, somehow lean in and hang himself from the lower bunk? We don’t know.

Dr. Baden, the forensic pathologist hired by Epstein’s family, says the noose that was sketched and included in the autopsy report doesn’t appear to match the wounds on Epstein’s neck. And Baden says, the ligature mark was in the middle of Epstein’s neck, not beneath the jawbone, as one would expect in a hanging. Also puzzling to Baden is that Epstein would make a noose out of a bedsheet when wires and cords were present in his cell, as photographs show.

There are not any photos of Epstein’s body in his cell, Baden says – he was rushed to an emergency room after guard Michael Thomas found him. But Baden believes, based on the autopsy, Epstein had been dead for two hours by then and he says the scene should have been treated as a crime scene, leaving the body alone. Federal Bureau of Prisons protocol mandates a suicide scene should be treated with the “same level of protection as any crime scene in which a death has occurred.”
Read more here.

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