Wednesday, January 15, 2020

How did he get into the United States?

Don Surber reports,
The Washington Times reported, "New York City defied a deportation request from ICE last year and released an illegal immigrant into the community — and now he stands accused of killing a 92-year-old woman beloved by her community.

"Reeaz Khan, 21, has been charged with murder and sexual abuse against someone incapable of consent. Police say they caught him initiating the attack on surveillance video.

"U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement says he never should have been out on the streets anyway, after he was arrested on weapons and assault charged last year, and ICE asked New York to turn him over.

"Police refused, under the city’s sanctuary policy, ICE says."

What sort of 21-year-old rapes and murders a 92-year-old woman?

What sort of city enables him?

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