Friday, December 07, 2018

When you say nothing at all

In The American Spectator, Dov Fischer writes,
It is my personal practice, a practice of some fifteen years, that I never discuss my politics or personal beliefs when teaching. I strongly oppose liberals and other leftists dominating their classrooms with their rabid propaganda and personal political views when their students and their parents are paying tuition for them to learn a subject and get an education, to have their minds expanded and not contracted. It is the scandal of the age — the McCarthyite brainwashing and reign of intellectual and psychological terror on America’s college and university campuses. To be honest and consistent, I necessarily likewise adhere to my value structure: my students do not know my personal political views, only what they pay to learn from me, what they need to know to be great attorneys in the fields of law that I teach. And, yes, to that degree, I do passionately emphasize the primacy of truth, honesty, pursuing fairness and authentic blind justice, the absolute unacceptability of mendacity in any form, and the imperative to represent one’s client with passion, zealousness, and unbridled loyalty — but never at the expense of honesty. That I do preach. But never politics or religion. Not in my classroom.

...The climate of the American university needs to change. The social and psychological terror of being exposed as a conservative is unbearable for so many, especially young people just entering college, unprepared for what is about to hit them, with their parents paying cash heavily or borrowing extraordinarily for a university education that is not what their parents remember from the American university that once was before the contemporary McCarthy Era. We now live truly in the era that the Left claims existed during the 1950s Red Scare — but now it is truly so, and a much worse Red Scare imposed by the Left.

Go here to figure out why this song is attached to this post.

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