Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Relatives on both sides of the wall

In American Greatness, Pedro Gonzales writes,
We are a nation of laws, and the proper application of the law is what separates the United States from places like Mexico and Honduras.

...One of my uncles was recently “disappeared” by narcos, the consequence of his son, a drug dealer, being implicated in a turf war. My uncle was taken to induce his son into surrendering himself. It didn’t work. No one has seen my uncle for months, and in Mexico, that means he’s dead. To this point, the Trump Administration has argued that gang violence is not grounds for asylum, and I agree. It is, on the other hand, a good way to import gang violence into our country.

Similarly, my half-sister was deported for her involvement in a theft ring in California. She tried to return illegally, was caught en route (which probably saved her from dying in the desert), and was deported again. Residency in this country for noncitizens, like asylum, is a privilege, and privileges can—and sometimes should—be revoked.
Read more here.

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