Chairman Nunes: The FBI under Comey was leaking like a sieve to reporters, while at the same time not giving Congress the information Congress requested. Congress has been given the DOJ until today to give up information they are withholding. You can hear the anger in Chairman Nunes's voice as he explains what is happening.
Strzok is put in charge of the investigation into Trump team alleged collusion with Russia. His girlfriend Lisa Page, herself a top FBI attorney, texts him asking for assurance that Trump will not become president. Strzok answers, "No, no, no, he will not. We will stop him!" These texts were sent nine days after Strzok was put in charge of the investigation, showing clear intent on Strzok's part to bias the investigation against Trump. Maria points out we are just learning about the "We will stop it" text. She asks, "Why?" The top people in DOJ and FBI learned about it one month ago, but did not bring it to the attention of Congress!
Nunes: "Rosenstein and Wray have to decide whether they want to be part of the cleanup crew or part of the cover-up crew!"
Maria asks how could FBI Director Wray make the claim that bias did not impact the decision making?
Nunes is ready to go for the impeachment of top officials if they do not cooperate by Wednesday of this week.
Michael McCaul is the House Homeland Security Chairman. President Trump is meeting with Congress critters Tuesday on two immigration bills. One is by House leadership (Ryan) and the other is by McCaul and Goodlatte. McCaul's bill ends chain migration, provides border security (funding for the wall), ending the random visa lottery system, and provides a DACA solution.
House Judiciary Committee member John Ratcliffe says there is evidence of anti-Trump bias on every single page of the 538 page IG report!
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