Friday, April 06, 2018

Starting a new party would be a futile effort. Or would it?

JJ Sefton brings us links to click Monday through Friday. His "Morning Rant" gives us his take on the key stories of the day. Today he floats an idea of a new political party.

Good morning kids. The weekend is here at last. Since there's really nothing new developing on the immigration and muh-collusionzz fronts, I want to take the time to look ahead, either far off into the future or just around the corner, depending upon one's perspective, to the November midterms. And really, beyond that as my graphic up top hopefully illustrates.

Despite the usual caveats of reading polls (no matter how reliable or usually biased they are) seven months before an election, there have been a number of troubling signs vis a vis special elections and other semi-anecdotal events this past year that we would be foolish to ignore. And coupled with that, there are a couple of concrete factors that need to be discussed now that could have implications next November that, all things considered, should really be a cakewalk for the GOP. One of them is the incandescent, insane anti-Trump rage by the Democrat-Left and the other, more troubling one is a combination of complacency on our part post-11/16 and the continued and righteous anger at the GOP which, with the exception of Neil Gorsuch and the passage of the Tax Overhaul, has worked to stymie and sabotage the President and his agenda from day one.

This brings me to our lead item. A North Carolinian by the name of Mark Robinson stood up at a town hall meeting and went on an epic tirade against a government which he saw as hell bent on taking away his constitutional right of self-defense, among other things:

"When are you all gonna start standing up for the majority?... I'm the majority!"
I think that this gentleman speaks for all of us, not just on the second amendment but on every other issue, problem and existential threat that we face from the Democrat-Socialist left, their minions in the media, academia and entertainment, and most importantly the traitors, flunkies and crooks in Chamber of Cronyism-land. Circling back to the midterms, it seems that every other day we read alternate stories about a Democrat "blue wave" that will take out the President and his agenda, or that the Democrats are in complete disarray and the combination of Camera Hogg, the illegal alien invasion and Hillary's gaping maw will sink them to even further depths than every election since 2010. I'd like to think the latter, but I do not want to take any chances. And truth be told, electing Donald Trump in 2016 and please G-d re-electing him in 2020 is not going to be enough.

As is plainly evident, and as I have alluded to, the GOP is dead to me and I assume all of you. At best, they are "the stupid party." At worst, and as I believe sure as G-d made little green apples, they are a cohort of the Democrat-Left; a party that exists to preserve, protect and defend the New Deal even as its overlords on the other side of the aisle move towards Stalin's 5-Year Plan. From Lester Jackson, the author of the American Thinker piece (last link in the Politics section):

Five weeks before he died, Justice Scalia quoted Charles de Gaulle: "God takes care of little children, drunkards, and the United States of America." So it is no surprise that the American political system rarely provides a choice of the greater good; the choice is nearly always who is the lesser evil? Those dissatisfied with "lesser evil" Republicans should defeat them in primaries. They should not substitute a vastly greater evil for a lesser evil in order to punish the lesser. The consequences will be irreversible.
As faithless as Republicans are, they should stress - and easily document - what today's Democrats represent: An End to America. If Republican candidates fail to do so, they will deserve exactly what happens to them. Tragically, freedom-loving, law-abiding Americans, under relentless Deep State attack, will not deserve it!

Yes, the GOP is dead to us. But since its base consists of the Chamber of Commerce with perhaps a war chest of hundreds of millions of dollars and control of the political agenda in Congress and statehouses across the country, taking it over is almost an impossible task (though traitors like Collins, Flake, McConnell et al need to be primaried at every opportunity). And starting a new party would be a futile effort. Or would it?

It seems to me that Mr. Robinson might have fired the rhetorical shot heard round the world. Because the infrastructure that has the organization and wherewithal to finally destroy and supplant the GOP may very well be right under our noses. So, without further ado, I would like to nominate the NRA to be the new home of the traditional Republican and conservative base.

The task would still be daunting, and the pessimist in me says that the human condition being what it is that even if an NRA Party came into being its leaders and elected politicians (please G-d) would be subject to the same weaknesses and temptations in DC that everyone else is. But, the situation is what it is, as is human nature, so there are no guarantees. Still, I think it might very well be an idea whose time may have come, considering what's at stake.

Can you imagine a Senate and House majority consisting of Mark Robinsons? I sure as hell can.
Read his links here.

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