Saturday, April 07, 2018

Dennis Prager on fire!

Prager U. videos were clicked on more than one-half a billion times last year!

We are in a non-violent civil war. The Left wishes to undo the American Revolution.

Any American coin or paper bill has three things on it: Liberty, E pluribus unum, and In God we trust. All three repulse the Left. Liberals and the Left have only one thing in common: they love big government. The Democratic party is no longer liberal, but Leftist!

Liberty? The Left has no desire for individual freedom, with the exception of abortion.

Conservatives believe in two forms of equality. We are all created in God's image and we are equal before the law. The Left believes in equality of result, and that must mean deprivation of liberty. The Left covets for a living: there is something wrong that x has more than y.

The primary liberty is the freedom to speak.

E pluribus unum: from many, one!

Wisdom begins with fear of God! There is no wisdom at Columbia (where Dennis went to graduate school), because there is no God at Columbia!

Barack Obama fomented racial tension. Racial tension was far worse when he left office. There is a reason the Left foments racial tension. Every black American who says "I am happy to be an American" is a potentially lost vote for Democrats. Same could be said for every woman. Every Latino. The Left cultivates rage and ingratitude.

The Left has ruined the arts.

The Left doesn't fight evil. Communism killed 100 million civilians. The Left were all anti-anti-Communists.

There are many good traits, but the best is also the rarest: courage. We will only win if we fight, and we will only fight if we have courage!

How can we reduce the debt? Spend less!

How can you win a debate with a Leftist? Never let them change the subject after you make a powerful point! Dennis's motto: "I prefer clarity to agreement. I don't want to win the debate; I just want to clarify where we differ."

Why did we fight in Korea? We lost 37,000 American soldiers in Korea. North Korea is a giant concentration camp. We died in Korea so South Koreans could be free! What other country does that?

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