Friday, December 15, 2017

Twitter tidbits 12-15-17

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted,
What a joke! Nothing at all biased in the algorithm on Twitter when it comes to who they suggest I follow. I’m on the @realdonaldtrump homepage and Twitter suggests I follow Obama, Hillary, and Bernie. Give me a fricken break. Good thing the big internet companies are “neutral”

Tim Young tweeted,
This gif is better than the new #StarWars movie.

David Burge tweeted,
If Net Neutrality is repealed:
● the internet will cost $879.95 per day
● Millions will lose their lives
● Displaced internet hobos will aimlessly ride freightcars around the barren American wasteland
● Stealing pies from our window sills

Please retweet and save our pies

Alana Mastrangelo tweeted,
#NetNeutrality doesn't mean neutral, just like #AffordableCareAct doesn't mean affordable, just like #PlannedParenthood doesn't mean planning for parenthood, just like #Progressivism doesn't mean progress, just like #Antifa doesn't mean anti-fascist.

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