Tuesday, February 07, 2017

"Transgendered" killer moved out of women's prison after sex with inmates

Liam Deacon reports at Breitbart,
A transgendered murderer, who is biologically male, has been moved out of a female jail after being accused of having sex with the women there.
Paris Green, who identifies as a woman, was jailed after being found guilty of helping to torture a man to death after a row over a bag of chips.

Previously known as Peter Laing, he was imprisoned for a minimum of 18 years in 2013 for playing a part in the brutal murder of Robert Shankland, 46, in Fife, Scotland.

However, Green, 23, was housed on a female wing in HMP Edinburgh after claiming to want to live as a woman and go through a sex change operation.

A source familiar with the case told The Star: “The women want sex and Paris is the only person who can give it to them.

“She was warned about her behaviour several times but it didn’t stop her. In the end prison bosses decided enough was enough and sent her back to the male wing.”

Astonishingly, the killer had been accused of similar incidents of “inappropriate behaviour” with female inmates before.

In 2013, Green was moved from Corton Vale women’s prison, near Stirling, after claims were made of relations with women at the jail.
Read more here.

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