Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Generations were saved by one person, one decision.

Bookworm writes,
A voice of reason tries to sound out at the University of Texas. Do you remember a few years ago when Admiral William McRaven, then commander of all US special forces, gave a commencement speech at the University of Texas? I remember it vividly because I started making my bed every day after I heard that — a major habit change after five decades. And then, having made my bed every day, I started folding the laundry as soon as I took it out of the dryer. It’s a phenomenal (and, for me, life-changing) speech. I highly recommend it:

Admiral William McRaven is not happy about what’s happening at UT, which is also falling victim to the trigger, microaggression, gender, Trigglypuff hysteria infecting all of America’s higher education institutions (except for Hillsdale, of course). The National Anthem kerfuffle was the last straw for him. He just sent a nice letter to the school’s upper-level administration. It is a letter from a knowledgeable humanist:

I made it clear that honoring the flag does not imply that the republic for which it stands is perfect. I said, “Far from it, honoring the flag is our collective commitment that we will constantly attempt to get better as a nation, to improve as a people, and to use the freedoms we have been given to make the earth a better place.”

I spent 37 years defending freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Nothing is more important to this democracy. Nothing! However, while no one should be compelled to stand, they should recognize that by sitting in protest to the flag they are disrespecting everyone who sacrificed to make this country what it is today — as imperfect as it might be.

Those that believe the flag represents oppression should remember all the Americans who fought to eliminate bigotry, racism, sexism, imperialism, communism, and terrorism. The flag rode with the Buffalo Soldiers of the 9th, 10th, 24th and 25th Cavalry and Infantry Regiments. It was carried by the suffragists down the streets of New York City. It flew with the Tuskegee Airman ofWWII. It was planted in the fields where Cesar Chavez spoke. It marched with Martin Luther King Jr. It rocketed into space on the shoulder patches of women, gays, Hispanic, Asian and African American astronauts. Today, it waves high over the White House. It is a flag for everyone, of every color, of every race, of every creed, and of every orientation, but the privilege of living under this flag does not come without cost. Nor should it come without respect.

The nation and everything it strives for is embodied in the American Flag. We strive to be more inclusive. We strive to be more understanding. We strive to fix the problems that plague our society. But in striving to do so, we must have a common bond; some symbol that reminds us of our past struggles and propels us to a brighter, more enlightened future. That symbol is the American flag.

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