AWR Hawkins reports at Breitbart,
High School senior Frank Harvey says his school called police and ordered him to have a psychological exam after discovering an homework essay against gun control that he had saved on a thumb drive.
Harvey wrote his essay against gun control in 2015, for a teacher at Manville High School in New Jersey.
According to New Jersey.com, Harvey left a thumb drive containing the anti-gun control project in a computer in the school library. He said “a Manville High School teacher instructed him to create a video arguing against gun control for a junior college readiness class last year” and that “video,,,provided examples of people who used guns to defend themselves from home invaders.”
The thumb drive was discovered and turned over to the school administration, which then called police. The police “cleared Harvey” of any wrong doing, yet “district officials suspended him and said he’d have to undergo a five-hour evaluation before being allowed back in school.” The administration said the teacher who would have assigned the project does not remember doing so.
Harvey’s mother chose to pull him from the school rather than have her son subjected to the psychological exam. She said he will simply pursue a GED to wrap things up.
News 12 contacted the school district for comment but they declined, citing “confidential student information.”
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