Sunday, November 08, 2015

I'm demanding full access immediately to all female locker room areas

Dean James writes at America's Freedom Fighters,
Barack Obama’s Department of Education for Civil Rights has threatened to cut funding to an Illinois school district if it doesn’t allow a male transgender student to use the girl’s locker room and showers, according to the Chicago Tribune.

The DOE charges that school officials did not comply with Title IX, the federal law from 1972 that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex. The investigation took nearly 2 YEARS! You want to talk about a waste of money, there it is right there.

The school has already bent over backward to accommodate the student, by allowing him to play on the girl’s sports teams, use the women’s restrooms and provided a special private area in the girl’s locker room. They even changed his name, gender and pronouns on school records. But of course, that wasn’t good enough.

He is demanding UNRESTRICTED access to the girl’s locker room. He filed a formal complaint with Obama’s Office for Civil Rights back in 2013.
Read more here.

1 comment:

Infidel de Manahatta said...

I admire the cut of his jib.