Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Donald Trump: “Hillary is running for a lot of reasons—one of ‘em is because she wants to stay out of jail.”

Tony Lee reports at Breitbart that Donald Trump said at a "Yuge" rally yesterday in Illinois, "“Hillary is running for a lot of reasons—one of ‘em is because she wants to stay out of jail.”
“People are in jail right now for doing five percent of what she did and the Democrats are not gonna to prosecute her, and it’s frankly a disgrace,” Trump said. “And you know it and so do I and so do these people right here—they know it.”

Regarding Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State and mishandling of classified information, Trump said that “and you better remember that there’s a six-years statute of limitations on that crime.”
Read more here.

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