Saturday, April 18, 2015

Hookers for Hillary

Hillary has received an early and enthusiastic endorsement from the hookers at the Moonlight Bunny Ranch in Nevada.

Nevada sex workers at Dennis Hof’s famous Moonlite Bunny Ranch have launched a “Hookers for Hillary” Clinton website that endorses the former secretary of state’s campaign for president. (Hookers for Hillary)

From Jessica Chasmar's story in the Washington Times: The Hookers for Hillary website stated:
“The Bunny Ranch entertains customers from all around the globe, and the girls have great respect for any woman who can take powerful men from oppressive cultures and make them bend to her will.”

Earlier this month, Democratic Sen. Harry Reid received a ringing endorsement from a legal brothel in Pahrump, Nevada, called Sheri’s Ranch. In a letter, the ranch similarly commended Mr. Reid’s support for the Affordable Care Act and even offered to host the senator’s retirement party.
Read more here.

Thanks to Christopher Buckley

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