Rush Limbaugh rises to Hillary Clinton's defense (once again).
So 2008 was the payback. The presidency was to be hers. And the first chance the Democrat Party powers-that-be had to get rid of her, they took it, in the name of Barack Hussein O, a young, inexperienced, community organizing, chain-smoking man of color.Read more here.
And now, just a few short years later, another presidential cycle later, they are using every major media outlet in America to pile on this feeble, aging woman known as Hillary Clinton. Is nothing sacred to these misogynists? Have they no sense of decency? They're gonna do it again? They're gonna pile on the woman again? The Democrat Party mounting another war on the same woman again?
I mean, come on. Just because Hillary Clinton subverted government laws and government servers while working for the government, exposed herself to blackmail, and was obviously engaging in things that she didn't want anybody to know about or ever to be able to find out about, what difference does that make? Just because Hillary Clinton set up her own private computer server in her home protected by the Secret Service, what difference does it make? Just because Hillary took what looked to be millions of dollars of bribes from foreign governments for her and her daughter's and her husband's foundation, what difference does it make?
Just because Hillary left her ambassador unprotected in Benghazi, left for dead, even though she knew about it four minutes after it started, what difference does it make now? Just because Hillary lied about a video, saying that the video caused the terrorist attack that led to the death of the ambassador and watch a hapless nobody video maker thrown into jail to take the blame for her lack of action, what difference does that make now?
We're talking 2016, the next Democrat president. What does any of this matter now? In the normal ebb and flow of events, none of this would matter. The media would be trying to sweep all of this stuff under the rug. The media would be telling us none of this stuff matters. Just because her husband spent countless hours with a playboy pedophile flying all over the world, what difference does that make now? Just because Hillary ruined innocent women's lives to protect her husband who sexually assaulted those women, what difference does that make now? Don't tell me.
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