Saturday, November 02, 2013

Politically correct support of evil

Do you know what the initials FGM stand for? Female Genital Mutilation. A woman who had her clitoris cut when she was seven is spearheading a drive to stop the practice in the UK. Over 66,000 women in the UK have been mutilated in Britain. They have immigrated to Britain from countries such as Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, and Senegal, where FGM and Islam is widespread.

Leyla Hussein, pictured above in a photo in the London Evening Standard, has filmed a documentary to show how the politically correct absurdities have spread in Britain. She asks people in the video to sign a petition supporting FGM because

she wanted to protect her culture, traditions, and rights.
Afraid of offending her culture, shoppers signed the petition. In 30 minutes, 19 people signed the petition, and only one person refused to sign it. The documentary, entitled The Cruel Cut, will be aired Wednesday in Britain on Channel 4.

Speaking after the experiment in Northampton, Ms Hussein broke down and said she was scared by people’s reactions.

“I kept using the word ‘it’s just mutilation’. They were like ‘yes, you are right’. How can anyone think that’s okay?”

She added: “FGM is not culture, it is violence. Stop using the culture word. This is happening to children. We are human beings, we can’t watch children being cut, I don’t care what culture you belong to.”

Thanks to Blazing Cat Fur for linking to the story.

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