Thursday, January 20, 2022

This government freefall is overseen by a tragically bewildered, petulant, and incompetent president

Victor Davis Hanson writes,
Hard Left “woke” ideology has all but obliterated the idea of a border. Millions of impoverished foreigners are entering the United States illegally — and during a pandemic without either COVID-19 tests or vaccinations.
Who could have believed a year ago that America would now beg Saudi Arabia and Russia to pump more oil — as we pulled our own oil leases, and canceled pipelines and oil fields?
This governmental freefall is overseen by a tragically bewildered, petulant, and incompetent president. In his confusion, an increasingly unpopular President Joe Biden seems to believe his divisive chaos is working, belittling his political opponents as racist Confederate rebels.
Read more here:

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