Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Is China preparing for nuclear war?

Gordon Chang reports, "Nuclear analyst Jeffrey Lewis revealed that China is building what appears to be 119 missile silos across more than 700 square miles in the Gansu desert. Construction began in February.

The silos suggest Beijing no longer seeks to maintain only a “minimal deterrent.” The Chinese military may even be building a nuclear “war-fighting” capability.

"...The Pentagon has to assume the worst because Beijing has done everything possible to increase American apprehension. Chinese generals have, for instance, periodically made unprovoked threats to nuke American cities. Even more ominous, in October 2013 Chinese state and Communist Party media—People’s Daily, China Central Television, PLA Daily, and China Youth Daily, among other publications—ran identical stories about how Chinese submarines, launching ballistic missiles with nuclear weapons, could destroy American cities and kill Americans by the tens of millions."

"...It is true the Pentagon plans to modernize its nuclear forces, but Beijing knows that America is merely updating decades-old weapons nearing the end of useful lives. Moreover, the small-scale U.S. missile defense system is designed to deal with attacks from rogue states and has little ability to degrade a massive Chinese assault. "

"In any event, there are 119 new holes in the Gansu desert that suggest China is now shifting to war-fighting mode."

Read more here: https://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2021/07/06/china_is_preparing_for_nuclear_war_784270.html


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