Monday, May 11, 2020

"...They are dealing with someone who fights back!"

In his Morning Report in the Ace of Spades blog, JJ Sefton writes,
Good morning, kids. Monday, and another grim milestone of yet another day of America held hostage.

Looking back over the better part of the past three years, one thing that I have been particularly grateful for was that we no longer were subjected to the callow, arrogant, holier-than-thou bullshit that defined an Affirmative Action fraudster, and his perpetually angry, racialist, equally intellectually-lacking wife, who somehow floated to the top of the bowl and wound up installed in the White House. Even after two months of witnessing the horrific, gut-wrenching spectacle of the intentional destruction of our economy, our freedom and our basic human dignity, a media landscape absent of Barack Obama and Michelle Obama was like manna from Heaven.

Then, like a bucket of liquefied homeless man feces thrown in my face, here they are again to snap me out of my reverie. It's viscerally painful to have to endure the sight and sound of the dyspeptic "One Big-Ass Mistake, America" duo, and as the election season begins heating up will no doubt mean they aren't going to be disappearing any time soon. But perhaps there is a silver lining in the appearance of this bilious cloud of halitosis and flatus. Before the current state of siege, President Trump was cruising to a landslide victory (to the extent we can have one given the vicissitudes of today's electoral map). The Peking Pox Pandemic Panic has unfortunately changed all that. A bad economy usually translates into defeat at the polls, and given the fact that in the span of two months we have gone from record gains across the board to record losses, conventional wisdom dictates that what we are witnessing should mean the end of Trump. But these are not ordinary times and Trump is far and away the most atypical political figure and president perhaps in American history.

And this leads us back to the Obamas. The 20-odd individuals from the Democrat field of candidates were so utterly flat, dull, bereft of ideas and devoid of anything that would be remotely appealing to the so-called undecided/independents (let alone the Trump base). Plus, despite everything he was up against, Trump delivered on his promises to secure the border, re-establish American sovereignty and put Americans back to work in record time. As for the Democrats, their entire platform was not that they could do better, but that what Trump had done and Trump himself was evil. That didn't play well in Peoria and it still doesn't.

Yet after six months of debates and social justice garbage in seeking a "diversity" candidate, whom did the Democrats settle on? An old white guy whose senility and dementia are brutally evident (at least when his handlers allow him in public), and who has a credible rape allegation being leveled at him as well as serious allegations of corruption and influence peddling involving him and his son. Sensing all of this, the Democrats are desperate to find someone, anyone, to replace him at or before the convention. Hence, the sudden, convenient appearance of Michelle Obama. Even after a swipe at her own daughters as the reason she couldn't pursue her dreams, whatever the hell they were, there's supposedly some committee/petition being formed to draft her, not to replace Biden but to be on the ticket as veep. Nudge-nudge wink-wink.

But wait, there's more! The cherry on top of all this is, with the unprecedented DoJ dismissal of the case against General Michael Flynn, we have the revelation of Biden's involvement in the plot to sabotage the Trump campaign and then the follow on campaign to overthrow his presidency. And that leads directly to Barack Obama as a conspirator. Between the abuse of the FISA warrants, the revelations of the Steele Dossier as a work of complete fiction that was commissioned by Hillary Clinton, the wiretapping of Russian diplomat Kislyak not to gather evidence against him but to illegally get evidence on Michael Flynn, and the disgusting perjury trap by the FBI to remove him as NSA in order to cover the conspirators' tracks, there can be little doubt that at a minimum Obama knew what was going on and now more than likely approved of it, or even put the plot in motion.

Well, as the saying goes, you take the most flak when you're directly over the target. Over the past few days, Obama has railed against both the Flynn exoneration as well as the administration's handling of the Chinese Lung AIDS situation. It was laughable when, after months of having record low unemployment for minorities, more people off the dole, wages on the rise and wealth creation like never before as a result of Trump's "magic wand" that Obama derided during the 2016 campaign, he popped his head up to take credit for an economy that he said was never coming back and was illegitimate in the first place. But with the spotlight on Flynn as well as Biden, there's a lot more than just Obama's "legacy" at stake. Of course, the odds are he'll never be indicted let alone spend time behind bars. But this is not going to go away, as evidenced by Trump's Twitter barrage over the weekend. After Obama ripped the administration, Trump ably defended his administration's handling of the current situation and nuked Obama by shining a light on his, Obama's, response to H1N1 in 2009. That is, his non-response which proved lethal. Not that the media even covered the story at all.

You'd think that after five years of banging their heads against a wall by attacking Trump, they'd get it through their thick skulls that they are dealing with someone who fights back and is a master communicator. You'd think. The best thing Obama could do is keep his purple yap shut and stay out of sight. But the Democrat-Media Complex is as dumb as he is. By reacting to the Flynn dismissal, they blow their cover and give it front-page coverage. Sure, they'll lie about it but Trump and company are not going to let them get away with it. Just like everything else since he came down that escalator almost five years ago.

It is tragic in the extreme what has been and continues to be done to this nation. But I don't think even that is going to derail this President from winning in November. It may not be the blowout it was going to be, but he and we shall prevail. And Make America Great AGAIN is not just a slogan; it's a holy crusade.

Lift the lockdowns. Liberate America.
Read more and click on his links here.

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