Sunday, April 05, 2020

"It’s up to the media to discover the truth, not accept answers at face value."

In Spectator USA, Stephen Miller points out that
Questioning coronavirus origins is not a conspiracy.

It’s up to the media to discover the truth, not accept answers at face value.

...But, for a large section of the American media, who have engaged in China apologia over the course of the past few months, challenging China or by proxy the World Health Organization is completely off-limits.

​Last week, Sen. Tom Cotton told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo that ‘we need to get to the bottom’ of where the virus came from. After he suggested several possibilities as to its origins, members of the national press jumped in to accuse him of fear-mongering and branded him a conspiracy theorist. Outlets from HuffPost to NBC News attacked Cotton because he dared to mention the theory that the virus could be a repurposed biological weapon unleashed on purpose by the Chinese government, never mind that his quotes were in fact quite more nuanced than how the media reported them.
Read more here.

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