The plan from #Resistance headquarters on Mount Rakestep: endless outrage followed by investigations and impeachment. Surely that will convince Americans to give up our nation's peace and prosperity in order to denounce the atrocities this president is committing in our imaginations! At CNN, elite intellectual Don Lemon told his cuddly Teddy Bear, "Oh man, this plan, and an 80-year-old Communist at the top of our ticket? I don't see how we can lose!"
One of the unconscious urges that dominates our lives is the urge to appear virtuous. The urge to hide our fallen nature from ourselves and create the illusion of virtue. Embracing socialism makes you feel virtuous. It's Christianity without the Christianity! People will do almost anything to appear virtuous, including destroying their own country and their own lives!
Plus, segments on the Democrats and Bernie, little Mikey Bloomberg, and Valentines Day!
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