Wednesday, December 04, 2019


Adam Mill writes in American Greatness,
The November 29 edition of “All Things Considered” reminds us that taxpayers are being forced to pay for the deep state propaganda organ that NPR has become.

An otherwise unremarkable radio segment perfectly represents the transformation of NPR from a left-of-center news source to a daily infomercial for the Democrats’ effort to impeach, remove, or at least defeat the president in the 2020 election. It’s certainly their prerogative to espouse those views if they hold them—but why are taxpayers subsidizing them?

Beyond the moral culpability of forcing taxpayers to pay for free negative advertising for the Democrats, NPR makes itself redundant by simply adding to the choir of CNN, NBC, the New York Times, ABC, MSNBC, the Washington Post, and so forth. Even formerly pro-Trump outlets such as the Drudge Report and Fox News find themselves sliding into the anti-Trump hive. Do we really need taxpayers to supplement the already bountiful feast of get-Trump propaganda?

...The NPR segment is a microcosm of the whole thing: An echo chamber of Trump derangement through which reality cannot penetrate. There’s no careful weighing of the risks or sensible internal debates in which somebody points out the gaps in their arguments. The Democrats’ impeachment strategy is very simple: The get-Trumpers can’t be wrong if nobody is allowed to disagree.
Read more here.

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