Wednesday, October 16, 2019

"The world wonders."

In his Morning Report in the Ace of Spades blog, JJ Sefton has this to say about last night's Democratic "debate."
no one on that stage had anything at all that was in the least bit positive or uplifting about America and Americans. How can they? They've built their entire careers, as have all of their predecessors for the past half century or more, running down the country, culture and its heritage, sowing division in order to seize absolute power. And that leads right into my final observation. Whether it's open borders, command and control economic madness, racialism, censorship, abortion, the war on religious liberty, you name it - every crackpot, lunatic idea and assault on the republic as founded that came out of the collective maw of that 12-headed beast last night is now the baseline platform and policy goals of the Democrat Party going forward. Yes, it always has been but now it's out in the open. They will race pell-mell for it openly and brazenly, as opposed to secretly and incrementally. Assuming Trump wins in 2020 (please G-d), what happens when he leaves? He has singlehandedly been the first president to ratchet back at least one notch, as Margaret Thatcher once described IIRC, the step by step march to globalist/socialist totalitarian tyranny. The Left will not abide by that. The big question is will the Trump era be a one-off pause or will it be a harbinger of a movement?

The world wonders...

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