Friday, October 04, 2019

Jimmy Carter: " worst, Carter is a knowing supporter of bad actors, and at best, a naïve moral relativist."

In the Federalist, David Harsanyi reminds us of the despicable record of Jimmy Carter since his presidency.
Before the socialist cratering of Venezuela, Carter had been one of Hugo Chavez’s most important international allies. In a speech at the Carter Center, three weeks before Venezuelans voted in 2012, the former president noted that “of the 92 elections that we’ve monitored, I would say the election process in Venezuela is the best in the world.” (You won’t be surprised, I suspect, to learn that the United States was “one of the worst” because it allowed all citizens to spend money on campaigns.)

Numerous international pro-democracy groups disagreed with Carter’s assessment. In Venezuela, Chavez was the only one with access to unlimited funds — not to mention the state’s infrastructure and media — while anyone who opposed him was cowed into silence lest they lose their property and be deported. Carter, like many others these days, forgets there’s a lot more to liberalism than voting. worst, Carter is a knowing supporter of bad actors, and at best, a naïve moral relativist.
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