Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Corporations against conservatives

Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton today said in the US Senate,
...There's a troubling trend among giant corporations using this wealth and power to force liberal dogma on an unwilling people. As liberal activists have lost control of the judiciary, they've turned to a different hub of power to impose their views on the rest of the country. This time it's private power, located in a few mega-cities on the coasts.

And that's not an exaggeration. The overwhelming majority of companies that lashed out against the pro-life movement in that New York Times ad are headquartered on the coasts, hoping to rule the rest of us like colonies in the hinterlands. More than three-quarters are headquartered in New York or California alone. More than a dozen are foreign companies. Yet those same companies presume to tell all of America what we should think.
Read more here and watch his speech.

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