Sunday, January 06, 2019

"Now you’re bound and determined to take the John McCain Official Backstabbing Media Whore Republican job.

A commenter named Skeptic at the Cold Fury blog writes an open letter to Mitt Romney. The parts I liked best:
...Now you’re bound and determined to take the John McCain Official Backstabbing Media Whore Republican job.
The problem, Mitt, is that when you do stuff like this, it reminds us of a lot of things. Like, for instance, how you got rich. Your dad, George, got rich building things. You got rich by destroying them. Your company, Bain Capital, essentially did a much-refined and legal version of what the Mob did when they took over a business – ran up the debt, sold everything that wasn’t nailed down, and hung creditors with the unpaid bills while killing the company and putting people out of work. Made you rich as hell, but left you open to all kinds of attacks in your Presidential run.

The bitch, Mitt, is that we Republicans DEFENDED you back then. And then you spit in our faces. Which reminds us of what you really are, Mitt. You’re a very, very bad man. You use people and then you throw them away the moment they cease to be useful to you. Like you did Trump. Or the people that worked at all those companies.
Read more here.

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