Candace Owens explains to Dave Rubin in this September, 2017 interview how she learned first-hand about dishonest journalists at New York Magazine and the Washington Post. Kickstarter pulled funding of her anti-bullying project! Breitbart was the only media site that covered the story accurately. Over night she realized that liberals were the racists who hired hitmen, and she became a conservative. She heard Trump say things about the corrupt media and instantly knew he was telling the truth.
Candace says when she talks about how media affects our psychology it has hit an international nerve.
What opportunities do men have that women do not have?
Candace does not consider herself a victim. That drives Leftists crazy! They are in a race to the bottom: I'm a bigger victim; no, I'm a bigger victim; no, I'm a bigger victim!
Candace was raised by her grandfather, who laid out tobacco at 5 a.m. on a sharecropping farm.
Red pill: Once you start realizing how things actually work, then you are a red-pilled individual.
The Left is sucking the fun out of everything with all of the virtue signaling.
Abortion is about population control. Candace hates Planned Parenthood for their history of targeting blacks for abortion.
Black on black crime? Let's address it! Get off your knees at the football game and address real issues! Stop pretending it's the police!
The bigotry of low expectations: people in the black community have been told they can't make it on their own.
Get rid of Affirmative Action! It is an insult. We have all the resources to get in based on our own merit!
She is a fan of Kanye West! What he is preaching is holding on to your own ideas, believing in yourself to the umpteenth degree! Anti-political correctness. If you understand Kanye West, you can better understand Donald Trump!
YouTube censored Candace for some comments she made about Black Lives Matter. Facebook censors her frequently.
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