Wednesday, January 17, 2018

A negotiation ploy?

Kurt Schlichter writes at Town Hall about Trump's meeting with Congresscritters on illegal immigration,
...Maybe the Nice Trump at the meeting was a negotiation ploy. There’s a technique in negotiations where you wave the other side’s objective right in front of them, let them smell it, feel it just within their grasp, and when you get them so invested in the idea that it is about to be theirs, you snatch it back and lay your demands on them in the hopes they’ll feel they’re so close to success that they have to give in.

...Or maybe Dreamer-hugger Trump was playing the good cop while Stephen Miller, who is infuriating the surrender caucus by being the proverbial monkey in the wrench, was being the bad cop. It could be a giant mind game with the mindless drones of the legislature.

Maybe. But it’s a dangerous game.

Outsourcing so much of the negotiations and details to the simpering wusses of the GOP House and Senate, who are yearning for some way to do exactly the opposite of what their voters elected them to do, was always risky. Sailor Suit Lindsey Graham and his pals came up with a plan that Trump rejected with the dung-depths comments. If they want a deal, they better come up with a solid bill where Trump gets some trophies. But at the end of the day, Trump gets to either sign on the line that is dotted, or not. And if a bunch of people who shouldn’t be here anyway don’t get to stay here, oh well.
Read more here.

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