Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Hillary Clinton record

At Front Page John Perazzo writes extensively on these topics:
Clinton's Private Email Server & the Espionage Act

The Clinton Foundation Scandals

Clinton's Support for the Iran Nuclear Deal

Clinton Helps Russia Gain Control of 20% of All U.S. Uranium

The Benghazi Debacle, and Clinton's Role in Arming Jihadists in Libya and Syria

The Radical Islamist Affiliations of Clinton's Closest Aide

The Deadly Consequences of Clinton's Absurd Fictions About Islam & Terrorism

Clinton's Role in the Rise of ISIS and the Stratospheric Growth of Worldwide Terrorism

Clinton's Role in Squandering America's Victory in the Iraq War

Clinton's Horrible Judgment Regarding Another Terrorist Enemy

Clinton's Empty Talk Regarding Russia and China

Clinton's Reprehensible Treatment of Israel

Clinton Turns Libya into a Terrorist Hell Hole

Clinton's Plan to Import 65,000 Syrian Refugees into the U.S. As Quickly As Possible

Immigration: Clinton Explicitly Favors Amnesty, Sanctuary Cities, and “Open Borders”

Clinton's Opposition to Gun Rights

Clinton's Plans to Expand Obamacare into a Government-Run, Single-Payer System

Rejecting School Vouchers for Poor Minority Children in Failing Urban Schools

“Criminal Justice Reform”: Going Soft on Crime, and Filling America's Graveyards

Fighting Voter ID Laws As “Racist” Schemes to Disenfranchise Minorities

Clinton's Affiliation with Al Sharpton & Black Lives Matter

Clinton’s View of the Supreme Court and Its Purpose

Clinton Supports Partial-Birth Abortion

Clinton's Personal Persecution of a Young Rape Victim
Read the details here.

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