Thursday, October 13, 2016

Political Sabotage

Shinmen Takezo writes to Donald Trump,
Just to let you know, this whole video incident was a setup from the get-go. From what I have learned from old contacts in the film industry yesterday, this tape was supposed to be used during the primaries when you and Cuckold-Bush III, where it was envisioned/predicted you both would go head to head—and this tape was to be the deciding ‘grassy knoll head-shot’ to knock you out of the primary.

The only problem is, you crushed Cuckold-Bush III (the establishment’s anointed one) like a greasy cockroach under your heel. Not only did you crush Cucky-Bush III, you completely humiliated him, spanked his bottom in public then set him back to the locker room with the rest of the establishment third sting losers.

So forgetaboutit! Now what?


Take no prisoners.

Your performance in Sunday’s debate was excellent—you showed massive contrast against Clinton.

This the operative strategy: MASSIVE CONTRAST.

You did not stand there with a nicey-nice, goody-two-shoes, Boy Scout, goofy smile on your face as Mitt (the pussy) Romney did against Obama in his last debate, when zinger after zinger and set-up questions were heaped upon him.

Nicely done Sir!


Use the “RAPE” word—you missed this opportunity in the debate. You made your point, but missed tossing a spear into Clinton’s heart. Did you happen to see the “Scoobie Doo” (‘ruh-rooh!’) look on Bill Clinton’s face when you brought up the subject.

Had the “rape” word been used on TV, live, unedited and uncensored the whole narrative and a massive landslide of opinion would have completely shifted onto Bill and Hillary Clinton.

...Excellent move springing Bill’s victims on an unsuspecting MSM press pre-debate. We old political timers know about Bill’s sins and crimes going back over a generation—but the younger generation have no idea what went on with the Clintons prior to 2005.

Hammer home the “rape” and “assault” words with Bill Clinton and Hillary’s persecution of Bill’s victim (so she could ride his coat-tails later into some sort of political career for herself). The American people need to hear it—not the puff-ball yim-yammer from the candidates as in past elections.


You’re missing the whole boat here buddy. Okay—yes, Clinton was literally asleep at the switch when Ambassador Stevens was begging for more ‘security’ and his rescue at the Benghazi consulate. But little of this shit sticks on Clinton, let alone does it stink.

The whole world (except the sheep here in the USA) knows full well that Ambassador Stevens and the Benghazi consulate was in fact a front for a massive gun running operation that put thousands of tons of weapons directly into the hands of this country’s enemies in Syria—who were radical Islamists who later became ISIS.

...The Benghazi Weapons Smuggling Operation was a key element in this Syrian regime-change operation. It brought death and destruction to thousands of innocent civilians in Syria now caught in the middle of civil war—brought about by western intervention. There would be no “Syria crisis” without the insane foreign policy of Clinton and Obama.


This is the biggest criminal pay-for-play operation since the days of Tammany Hall in New York City. The only difference between Tammany Hall/Boss Tweed and the Clinton foundation is that Tammany Hall was small potatoes compared to the global grift and graft exacted by Hillary Clinton for contracts and political favors.

The writer goes on to recommend talking points on the Second Amendment, Supreme Court nominees, the 20 trillion dllar debt, the war on western lands, foreign policy, and re-industrializng the USA.
Read more here.

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