Thursday, August 13, 2015

Benefiting welfare providers - not the poor

Heather Mac Donald writes at City Journal,
The overwhelming cause of poverty in America today is family breakdown, not inadequate government spending on welfare programs or low wages. Children in single-mother households are over four times as likely to be poor as children raised by married parents. And an adult can avoid poverty by taking just three simple steps: graduate from high school, work full-time, and wait until marriage to have children. Only 2 percent of adults who followed those rules are poor, according to the Brookings Institution’s Isabell Sawhill; 75 percent of adults who obey the rules have entered the middle class, defined as making at least $55,000 a year.

Heather then tells us about Democrat New York City Mayor de Blasio new program to ensure dependency
...The de Blasio-Banks vision is a planner’s dream, in which government mediates everywhere between citizens and the economy, no matter how complex the mediation machinery becomes. For a planner, such complexity is in fact a feature, not a bug. The main beneficiaries of New York’s new service juggernaut will be social-service providers—not the poor.

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