Sunday, June 14, 2015

What are we supposed to think today?

Identity. Do you know who you are? Identity issues seem to be near the top of the news cycle today. For weeks the media has been telling us that Bruce Jenner is courageous, because he got breast surgery and decided to become Caitlin Jenner. Now we have a blonde girl from Montana who, like millions of white women in the United States, got a great tan, but then changed her hair texture, and became the leader of the Spokane, Washington Chapter of the NAACP.

Will the media crown Rachel Dolezal as courageous for being something she is not? Will we be required to praise her, or else be ostracized for wrong thinking? Please help us out here, media, and elite thought-controllers like Barack Obama.

Read more from Tina Susman in the L.A. Times here.

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