Monday, June 08, 2015

How many tickets have you gotten in the last twenty years?

Mollie Hemingway writes in The Federalist about the New York Times attempted hit piece on Marco Rubio. The Times revealed that in the last nearly twenty years Rubio and his wife have seventeen traffic tickets between them (only four of them for Mr. Rubio). Hemingway: a world where elite politicians haven’t driven their own cars since 1996 (cough, Hillary Clinton, cough), I gauran-freaking-tee you that average voters identify more with a dude getting a traffic ticket every 4.5 years than someone being chauffeured around for 19 years.

...In order to make this hit on Rubio work, reporters Alan Rappeport and Steve Eder (“Kitty Bennett contributed research”!) had to combine Marco Rubio’s driving record with someone who is not Marco Rubio. Namely, his wife.

This would be like claiming that Hillary Clinton and her husband had sexually assaulted numerous women. I mean, it’s true in one sense, but it’s a totally weird thing to group together. So Marco Rubio’s wife apparently doesn’t have the relatively clean driving record of her husband. She has, for instance, been fined $185 for driving 23 miles-per-hour in a 15 mile-per-hour zone.

As unspeakably horrific as this twentythreemph infraction is, don’t get me wrong, pardon me if I don’t find it disqualifying for a presidential spouse in the same way I find money laundering under the guise of running a charitable foundation, to pick randomly.
Read more here.

Barack Obama racked up 17 parking tickets while attending Harvard Law School from 1988-1990, according to this article in the Boston Globe.

Glenn Reynolds adds in USA Today that
To add to the embarrassment, the Times, though it has since silently corrected the piece, referred to Marco Rubio's Ford F-150 pickup as a "sports utility vehicle," displaying the level of automotive literacy expected of Manhattan residents.

Kevin Williamson adds at National Review,
In fact, the Time’s interest in the travel habits of the spouses of presidential candidates is a bit . . . uneven. Mrs. Rubio’s traffic violations are news that’s fit to print, but the self-proclaimed newspaper of record has taken scanty interest in the peregrinations of former president Bill Clinton aboard an airplane nicknamed The Lolita Express, bearing him to a destination with an even worse nickname — “Pedophile Island” — in the company of Jeffrey Epstein, today a convicted sex offender.

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