Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Rush Limbaugh show 4-11-17

On Rush Limbaugh's show yesterday he brought up the fact that a Russian drone was flying around a hospital where victims of the chemical weapons were being treated. Then, the hospital was bombed, either by Russia or Assad, to cover up the horror of victims being treated after the sarin gas attack.

Rush pointed out that we have had non-stop stories by the Democrats and media about Trump colluding with the Russians. All of a sudden, Trump attacks Syria, which is largely a Russian state, and the drive-bys have to look for a new story to focus on intently. What will it be? They are trying out new possibilities. The Syria attack by Trump, US ships heading for North Korea, United Airlines?

That's it: United Airlines. They roughed up a passenger, so it must be Trump's fault, right? Rush explained that the airline industry is one of only a few industries that overbook tickets. They have so many cancellations, they purposely overbook because they know they will have cancellations. First, they offered $400. No one took it. Then they offered $800, and three took the money. One did not. He said he was a doctor and had patients he had to see the next day in Louisville. He became belligerent, so they called security, and they dragged him out of the plane. He came back in! They dragged him out again.

Who is this guy? The New York Post and the London Daily Mail got lots of information about him, including that he had anger management treatment, he was a felon who traded prescription drugs for secret gay sex with his patients, only got his medical license back again because he agreed to be drug tested and polygraphed.

Rush pointed out that belligerent passengers are not tolerated by any airline post 9-11.

Those are some of the highlights of the first 19 minutes of Rush's program, as I did dishes and cleaned up after puppies!

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