Wednesday, May 10, 2017

"Democrats who called for the firing of FBI Director Comey are shocked and appalled at the firing of FBI Director Comey."

As always, Andrew Klavan's opening monolog is satire at its best. A brief excerpt:
Democrats who called for the firing of FBI Director Comey are shocked and appalled at the firing of FBI Director Comey.
Klavan observes that the mainstream news networks have become mere echo chambers of the Democrats.
Democrats depend on your ignorance, and the media backs them up.

Almost everyone seems to agree that James Comey should have resigned last year, instead of acting as prosecutor, judge, and jury on the Hillary Clinton criminal investigation.

Although I do not always understand his points, I like it when Andrew has a segment on his show about some truth from the Bible or Christianity. In this episode he talks about Jesus's remarks at The Last Supper, in which He tells His disciples, "One of you will betray me." One after another of His disciples ask, "Is it I, Lord?" Klavan then talks about how we know that we are all capable of failing, but we are less sure about whether we are capable of courage.

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