Update: After writing this post I surfed over to My Three Sons. Daddio has posted a great idea that I am going to try, and I will report back!
Update: The chess game disintegrated into name-calling. Jon left the table and went outside. Greg went downstairs and brought up a box of blocks. He started making a fort. Jon came inside and sat down next to Greg and they began building a fort together. That lasted a long time, with singing, laughing, and a good time had by all!
Update: After successfully building an army base with their blocks, Greg and Jon decided to play chess! So far, so good!
Final Update: They were having so much fun, the teens decided to join them! It looks like Greg is pulling his hair out, but I don't think he did.

I think the tactile avenue is an important one. I know there's virtual tactile control in video games but having something in your hand and moving it directly is important.
It sounds like they upgraded -- moving blocks to build had fewer boundaries but warmed them up to moving the pieces on the chessboard.
Pretty cool.
Merry Christmas, Bob, to you and your family.
This may sound crazy but bear with me...the times my siblings and I remember are the fights because they are so funny to us now. And we have plenty to remember, ha. My parents despaired back then too, but we now have wonderful fun saying do you remember when you did... Does that make any sense?
I'm so glad I found your site. I love your insight, your pictures and the sharing of your family's ups and downs. Have a Merry Christmas, Bob.
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