Yesterday we took the whole gang to a rodeo out near where we are hoping to move this summer. It was a day of patriotism and good fun. Colleen got mad at me for rooting for the little calves to run faster than the cowboys on their big horses. She reminded me that, "These people actually vote the same way you do, Bob. They love this country just like you do." I replied, "But Honey, I dont tell sexist jokes." Here are a couple that I remember getting the loudest applause. Someone mentioned Martha Stewart. Then the next guy said, "The only woman in America who can both cook and clean, and what do we do? We send her to prison!" or... 'I finally met Mrs. Right. I just didn't know that her first name is Always!" Colleen explained that there was enough truth to the jokes to make them funny, and the gals make just as much fun of the guys as the guys do of the gals.
The riderless horse was there in honor of veterans who have lost their lives protecting America. Most of the ones so honored were former rodeo participants.
Kiss that flag young man.
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