From Betsy's Page:
Charles Krauthammer notes that George W. Bush was excoriated for waterboarding exactly three terrorists, all of whom are now enjoying an extensive retirement on a sunny Caribbean island (though strolls beyond Gitmo’s gates are prohibited).
On journalists lecturing the Catholic Church:
It's been amazing to see how journalists and others think they're the correct ones to lecture the Catholic Church on what they should believe and practice. If they're truly concerned about women's rights in a patriarchal church, how about they spend a bit more time worrying about women's rights in the Muslim world. Catholic women may not be supposed to get an abortion, but at least they can drive unaccompanied by a male guardian to the polling places where they're allowed to vote.
On Bloomberg's soda ban being struck down by Judge Tingling:
How lovely that a judge had the wisdom to say that that is not the way our system works. For a few moments longer, people have the liberty to make their own decisions in their private lives. How ironic that the same people who have trumpeted choice when it comes to abortion and other sexual choices, want to block choice when it comes to what we eat and drink.
Read much more here:
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