Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What will be the consequences of embracing the enemy?

Does our government believe that if we embrace the enemy (give the Muslim Brotherhood F-16s and billions of dollars), they are no longer the enemy; they become our friend? Sam Huntington writes today at Asylum Watch about this "folly."

Among these so-called policy geniuses, there is a complete disconnect as to the serious consequences of empowering extremists —people that we can plainly see use hatred to construct an agenda that will not bode well for future Americans. It seems that no one has bothered to consider the likely consequences when extremists control education in their respective countries. Tell us, reader … will young Arabs be more, or less extreme in another twenty years?

But of course future Islamists will be able to sit back, display a sneering smile, and say quite honestly, “We did not do these things to you. You did them to yourselves.”

Read more here:


Always On Watch said...

Thank you for linking. My blog partner, Sam Huntington, and I appreciate it!

Always On Watch said...

You are blogrolled at my site.