Our latest project 57 baby chicks. We plan to eat fifty of them, unless any of you are in the market for free range chickens. The red ones are laying hens (Rhode Island Reds), and the black and grey one is a mystery (Wyandotte)? We have built a moveable coop that we will put them in when they are big enough. We will move it every day, so they can get new bugs to eat, and so the lawn can get thoroughly fertilized.

Oh how fun! I can remember riding in the truck with a dozen chick in my lap (in a holder) with my great aunt and uncle... that was a great day! I'm sure your kiddos will enjoy them as well!
We raised meat chickens for a few years. They grew incredibly fast and we ended up with mini turkeys.....each chicken dressed out was about 10#.
And I thought I have my hands full with 4! The kids are so going to enjoy them, until dad decides to put them on the table. :)
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