Now, let me ask you a question. How do you buy your eggs? We used to just buy them by the dozen, but for some time now we have been buying them in cartons of eighteen, since we eat so many of them. Before dinner I noted that we were down to one carton, and we would need to replenish the supply tomorrow, Why do I interrupt this story to talk about eggs?
Actually, it is not an interruption. After a few minutes, we decided to go down and check on the two little ones. One of them had opened the refrigerator door and taken the last carton of eighteen eggs. When mom arrived downstairs, she found that they had thrown all eighteen eggs on the carpet and against the wall. They both got early bedtimes, and I sure do hope they enjoy the Rice Krispies, Cheerios, toast and orange juice that they will be served for the next several months!

I also hope they participated in the big clean-up.
Sorry I'm chuckling; but it's funny when it's not my own! Now I'm going to lock up my 5 dozen I just bought.
Nope, they were taken immediately to their rooms for the night. The room is now spic and span, but I will not thank them for giving me the motivation!
Good idea, but I don't think you have to worry with those little sweethearts of yours!
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