Linebacker Dude's biological mother was scheduled to visit him for the third time today. She was a no show. Human Services is only asking her to show up for one hour per week to visit with her son. She has lost parental rights on all of her other children. One hour per week, out of 168 hours in a week, and she cannot make it? No wonder he is so cold and rejecting when he sees her. He has been there and done that too many times!
And how terrible that a child so young should be even capable of that kind of cold rejection for his mother.
Yes, Juliec, it is scary, but think how terrible it would be to be in his shoes, and be abandoned time and again during your first two years of life.
90% of being a success is just showing up. LD's mom is clearly losing everything. I must say again how fortunate your foster kids are to have you at the center of their lives. You're making a permanent difference. Fortunately, this one came under your wing so young that he shouldn't remember any of the bad beginnings further down the road.
Barring an unlikely spiritual miracle with his bio-mom, I really hope LD gets to stay with you long term, in whatever legal fashion that may entail.
Our three sons (siblings) suffered the same issues with their bio's not showing up. Of course at the end when termination was happening they (the bios) couldn't understand why this was happening to them.
Thank goodness LD has a stable home with you!
Yes, it is not uncommon for moms to miss their visits. Thanks for visiting!
This is often where the seeds of evil are sown (being rejected by his mother). If he has his mind made up to do something, he will do it, even if an adult has just clearly told him no. It drives my wife crazy. This morning he dumped a potty chair and a wastebasket into the bathtub while Sara was taking her bath. This was immediately after Colleen had instructed him not to go in the bathroom while Sara was taking her bath! Colleen had to run out to the car to get something. When she came back, the wastebasket and potty chair were happily floating in the tub.
Yeah, you have your hands full with LD. But lucky for him, he has you and your wife. Bless you both!
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