I don't know how the national media reacted to the announcement yesterday by Congressman Tom Tancredo that he is running for president of the United States. The two biggest Colorado newspapers featured their top columnists, Mike Littwin for the Rocky Mountain News, and Diane Carmen for the Denver Post. Even though the two papers are supposedly rivals, their top two columnists wrote nearly identical pieces about Tancredo. They don't like the Congressman mostly because he spent the day talking to talk radio "yakkers," and ignoring newspaper reporters. And they don't like him because he talks mostly about the invasion of America by people illegally coming north across the Mexican border; and by Tancredo entering the race, all of the other candidates may be forced to talk about illegal immigration, too! How absurd; it is only the security and sovereignty of America! What a ridiculous thing to have to talk about!
Yes, I am being sarcastic. Whenever possible, both columnists resorted to sarcasm ("He has a face for radio") and extreme exaggeration, because of their blind hatred of Tancredo, talk radio, and the people who listen to talk radio. Carmen even went so far as to cite statistics as to who listens to talk radio: "Overwhelmingly non-Hispanic white (65 percent) predominantly male (55 percent) over 45 (54 percent) and registered independent (57 percent), only 33 percent of them are college graduates and only 10 percent read local newspapers." I dare say the reason they don't read local newspapers might have something to do with leftist bias?
I do read both local newspapers. I find that they have refused to make the search for Truth the primary reason for their existence, and that is why they have been losing readers year after year. We Americans can and do think for ourselves. We do not need anyone to tell us how or what to think or for whom to vote.
I have listened to Tom Tancredo on talk radio often. Frankly, he sounds like a very nice man, not the kook the newspaper writers make of him. Maybe I am wrong, but one thing is for sure: I will make up my own mind, think my own thoughts, and cast my own vote!
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