As regular readers probably know, I homeschool five of our kids. We use an online curriculum that I believe is very strong and comprehensive. You can imagine my horror when I read this at Bizzy Blog.
The teachers unions in Colorado do not like the growing popularity of online schools, and the politicians they control are trying to come up with ways to penalize parents who make the choice to homeschool.
The left is in control in Germany, and it is in Colorado, too. And what about our Congress?
The World Net Daily article from which this photo of a German student was first shown, says there are over forty other families facing court charges in Germany. This girl's parents are allowed to visit her one day a week, while she remains in custody, after being taken from her home by fifteen swat team officers in front of her shocked parents.
I retired early from the public school system - just couldn't stomach the union bunch. They lost a fine art teacher and I lost my ulcer.
Home-schooled five? Bravo Bob!
Bravo to you! Ulcers we do not need!
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