Today our soon-to-be-15-year-old son and his buddy decided that since it is April, it surely must be time to take the canoe on its maiden voyage of 2007. I apologize that I did not think to take a photo of them hooking the canoe up to the double stroller and taking off for Clear Creek.
Clear Creek is the famous "Rocky Mountain Spring Water" that flows directly into the Coors Brewery in Golden. At dusk we got the cell phone call to come get them and load the canoe and the stroller into the SUV. Both boys were freezing cold and climbed into the tub full of hot water together.
I know the Coors Brewery well. I spent four wonderful years in Colorado and graduated from Colorado Women's College (now part of DU, I think).
I don't detect any wussiness in that pair of young men.
LOL!! 10 foot tall and bulletproof...at least until you're really, really cold!
Mrs. Who
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