Colleen is off with one of the older children to a very early therapy appointment. I'm upstairs with Linebacker Dude and "Vi-Vi". Dude is done with his early morning bath in the upstairs bathroom, dressed, and ready to go. He darts downstairs to wake up three other kids. Do I chase after him, or pick up Vi-Vi and carry her with me? She does the almost-two-year-old thing and runs away from me, so I make my first mistake of the day: I chase after Linebacker Dude to try to prevent him from waking up the other kids. I catch him, but it is too late; he has awakened the other three. Then I hear crying from upstairs. I run up the stairs, and there is Vi-Vi, sitting in Linebacker Dude's bathwater happily drinking her bottle of milk.
Sometimes, all you want to do is have a bottle of something good while sitting in a hot tub!!
-Mrs. Who
Yes, That's all!
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